
為了保育台北市大陽明山區域環境以及更積極有效地進行守護歷史聚落的工作,我們成立了 “陽明山古蹟聚落生態護育聯盟" — 從生態、 歷史文化、 建築、 交通、 與水資源汙染等方向,來進行守護的志業。因為這一片廣大的山林老屋與老樹,關係到我們這一代與下一代成長的文化背景與生態平衡,任何的開發更直接衝擊到士林天母北投區域的生活品質;又因為她處於 “大屯火山系” 世界遺產潛力點的區域中,在此環太平洋火山活動頻傳之際,我們必須深入“國土保安”考量與國家整體生態永續發展的保本規劃。

對於山仔后美軍宿舍群,台灣銀行部分主管的立場以金錢收入效益為前提,我們人民可以理解並且尊重。但是對其迴避歷史整體意義,不做全面原貌保存的拆舊加建的活化方式,分批廢置、分批處置不維修又不出租,這 20年來造成國家財產的損失難以估計,我們人民均不能認同、更不能漠視其蠻橫的官僚態度。

世界上沒有永遠的敵人! 何況台銀主管也與我們一樣,肯定會被大自然的美麗而感動! 會為日漸傾頹的老屋而嘆息! 我們呼籲:台銀全體同仁,請和我們一起保育山林與生態!作為國營企業的標竿。因為我們正在為守護歷史證據做紀錄,我們的行動就是在為歷史寫歷史。傳承是永續的唯一道路,如果我們的志業發揮影響力,這裡得以全區原貌原景保存,您就是這段歷史的最佳見證與註解。








This official web site holds a broader mission to save more historical building on other area of Yangminshan.

According to historical time frame, Culture that deeply affected this area should include the 4 major phase : Aboriginal Time、Qing Dynasty、Japanese Occupation 、and recent history of US Taiwan Military and Economic Assistance.

At this time, Our main focus and effort is to preserve the 118 historical building that were built durning1950′s for those Military Families who lived here and share the collective memory with local villagers. For children of both sides to remember the friendship between the two country and to learn the lesson of war.

As well as the trees and eco environment that survived along the existence of the path of the history.

Our long term goal is to specify this village as historical preservation filed and eco preservation filed through legislation.